
He told them, ” The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field. Go!” Luke 10: 2 & 3. A few days ago, I took sometime and went to the fields with my dad, brother and nephew. When I was young, I couldn’t wait to spend time with my dad on the farm. Actually, that was what I preferred.

As a child I remember helping my dad open the seed bags, so that he could pour them into the planter. I remember countless hours riding in the tractor and, my favorite memory, falling asleep in the cab as the warm sun shined in.

I remember learning to drive a tractor and being terrified that I would mess something up. I remember working the fields and smelling the fresh smell of the earth. I remember unloading wagon after wagon load of grain. I remember the first time my dad let me drive the combine all by myself. I remember helping my mom make meals and take them to the fields for the guys. And the countless hours of time in the garden with my mom.

I could go on and on of all those great memories. But I also remember some not so great times. Like, the times when I wanted to be with friends, but instead had to be at the field or working in the garden. I remember hooking all of the weeds out of many fields. I remember cutting wood every Saturday, so that we would have enough to keep us warm for the winter. I remember the stress levels when doubt would settle in after a equipment would break or when the weather was too cold or too wet. I remember the tired and worn bodies of working long, hard hours during planting and harvest season.

Being a farmer is not easy. A farmers life revolves around his fields. And it is the same for his family. Faith becomes important everyday of your life. To trust during times of doubt. My dad told me that he would spend a lot time talking to and thanking God for this bountiful harvest. I am sure there were many times when the harvest wasn’t as bountiful, but he still thanked Him. My mom has told me she feels closer to God in her garden than anywhere else. I know He is there because He blesses every seed she puts in the ground.

All of us had to work and each one of us had to do our part during harvest. Just as Christ said the harvest is plenty and the workers are few. Christ is “the Lord of harvest” or the farmer and His harvest is plentiful. His fields mean everything to Him. He too longs for a bountiful harvest. The ones He has called to be His workers have a great responsibility. He needs us to be His hands and feet. And just like a farmer, there will times that are hard and times where the workers are few compared to the work in front of them. He needs His workers to press on and have faith that He is there.

I was once that seed that the “Lord of harvest” planted and my parents, along with many others worked, made sure that seed nurtured and loved. But most of all, they made sure I knew who my Creator was. I wouldn’t be who I am today if it wasn’t for my parents and their harvest. I am blessed to be a farmers daughter. Here and in heaven.
